February 2024 – Meetup

Thanks to all those who joined us at the February meetup. A massive thanks is also in order for Codeweavers for graciously hosting our event once again. Their continued support is genuinely appreciated!

Natasha’s talk underscored the importance of the KISS principle in UX design, advocating for simplicity and user-centric approaches. The talk sparked a flurry of conversation, as participants shared their own UX design encounters.

We wrapped up with our open discussion session led by Phil. Loosely inspired by the Lean Coffee format, allowing attendees to collaboratively set the agenda. This session offers a unique opportunity for all participants to actively contribute, sparking engaging and thought-provoking discussion. It never fails to entertain!


KISS – A UX Designers Approach

Natasha Wylie — Lecturer, Staffordshire University

Natasha took the stage to share her insights into the philosophy that less is indeed more, particularly when it comes to user experience design (UX). Her talk covered the “keep it simple stupid” (KISS) principle and its role in creating intuitive, user-friendly designs.

Through a series of real-world examples, Natasha highlighting the stark contrasts between effective UX designs and those that fail to meet user needs.

Natasha pointed out the notorious example of Ling’s Cars—a site that is intentionally chaotic in its design, reminiscent of the early days of web design. In contrast, she presented the Nespresso website as an example of good UX design. Highlighting its seamless navigation, which effectively guides the user journey, making the shopping experience both intuitive and enjoyable.

The session was a reminder of the power of simplicity. It encouraged professionals to cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters: their customers’ needs.

Published by

Phil Wylie

WordPress developer, Code Club volunteer & Staffs Web Meetup organiser.

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